Yes, this is our TV stand...yes, we removed the TV, yes those are dozens of library books, yes I am crazy.
We are going to endeavor to have a "reading" summer. Chad valiantly took the TV to the outdoor office last night. The surprise for the kids this morning was empty baskets just dying to be filled with books.
We are about 9 hours in and it already feels like an eternity!
We didn't do this as some moral, or spiritual statement, we really just felt like it would "step our game" a little if we removed what has become a family crutch (where it says family read "mom's").
Someone is sick....TV, mom needs a shower....TV, mom needs to check email (facebook)....TV, it's 11am....TV. You get the picture.
SO, think of us, pray for us, that we make it through our summer "crutch" free! And that we discover the pure joy of Little House in the Big Woods, Redwall, Hardy name it.
(P.S. if you are feeling really bad for me, just know that we have a DVD player in our car, and if worse comes to worst, we can have a "drive-in" day :))
I love it! good luck and I know how much you love driving around:)
I was thinking about hanging out with the fam on either Wednesday or Thursday but maybe it's too soon!!!! LOL!!! I love Little House, The Hardy Boys but what about Nancy Drew? I think you are up for the challenge!!!!
Wow! Kat - you go girl!!!!
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