For anyone that knows me, this must seem like a mistake. But, make no mistake, this is no mistake!
I have approximately 207 days until I run in a half marathon (run is a very ambitious word for me to be using at this time).
My dearest friends from college have thrown down the gauntlet (Tanya), and we are doing it together. Pretty sure they will have time to finish, go get some blendeds (not a real word but very real to this group) and come back to pick me up at the finish line. So, as of this minute, I can "run" (where it says run read "walk/jog"), a 5k in about 52 minutes.
How I wish we were only running a 5k!
I will keep y'all updated on my progress...
we can DO it Kat!!!! :-)
Hey! I just found your blog address when I was getting your email for google+. Way to go!
Just don't get all the way through training to get pregnant right before the race like I did. ;)
way to go!!! you can do it!!! so, like robin, i trained for this race and was all set to run it right before getting preggers with molly! more importantly, i live 90 minutes from where you will be running and fully expect a personal invitation to come and CHEER YOU ON!!! let me know time and place and i will be there!!!! go kat!
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