Jack is the "red shirt" Star Trek figure in the front row!
The 6 of Us.....
Our Very Filled, Very Wonderful Days...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Why does a 7 year old dress up in a Star Trek costume on December 10th? Why to be in a Christmas Play of course. I don't even know why you had to ask! This was the dress rehearsal (Jack's first). You will notice him in the front row. Learning as he goes! The kids did great. And if you are wondering why there is a bride, and an army guy and so on, it is because they are all toys in a toy store!
Jack has the distinction of dying on stage (which he does with the greatest of flair!) which we will post soon (and by soon, I don't mean next summer, I promise!)
Jack is the "red shirt" Star Trek figure in the front row!
Jack is the "red shirt" Star Trek figure in the front row!
A Southern California Christmas Tree
No Snow, no traipsing through the woods, or charming lot to "chop down our own tree"... I was actually a bit sad because this year, in an effort to be as "budget minded" as possible we went the Costco Christmas Tree route. Yes, it is true. A tree bought at a warehouse.
In years past, we had already "compromised" the charm of the Christmas Tree pursuit by switching from the traditional lot to the Home Depot. But at least there, we could still go, get some hot cocoa, and choose a tree.
The Costco experience is slightly less picturesque...
1. Go inside, battle the lines by the beef jerky, and pay your requisite fee
2. Return to car, wait for 22 shoppers to walk behind your car, back out and drive to the enormous semi in the back of the lot.
3. Drive up, hand receipt out window, and have a tree thrown on the top of the car.
4. Drive away.
To my delight, the tree is gorgeous, a tall noble fir. And, as an added bonus it was way too big for the house...
Providing us with this unforeseen, but much cherished, "charming, picturesque moment" of Daddy and Sons sawing "down" the tree.
Let the merriment begin!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Can't (shouldn't) Complain...
Jane has heretofore avoided the waterline at all costs. Staying on dry sand and hovering near me. This was the day she found out about the joy of the water!
Big sister had no problem showing her how it is done! I secretly love the dance of joy she does...wish I could have those moments back sometimes!

Sister Love......
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A New Endeavor

For anyone that knows me, this must seem like a mistake. But, make no mistake, this is no mistake!
I have approximately 207 days until I run in a half marathon (run is a very ambitious word for me to be using at this time).
My dearest friends from college have thrown down the gauntlet (Tanya), and we are doing it together. Pretty sure they will have time to finish, go get some blendeds (not a real word but very real to this group) and come back to pick me up at the finish line. So, as of this minute, I can "run" (where it says run read "walk/jog"), a 5k in about 52 minutes.
How I wish we were only running a 5k!
I will keep y'all updated on my progress...
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Trial (in more ways than one)
Yes, this is our TV stand...yes, we removed the TV, yes those are dozens of library books, yes I am crazy.
We are going to endeavor to have a "reading" summer. Chad valiantly took the TV to the outdoor office last night. The surprise for the kids this morning was empty baskets just dying to be filled with books.
We are about 9 hours in and it already feels like an eternity!
We didn't do this as some moral, or spiritual statement, we really just felt like it would "step our game" a little if we removed what has become a family crutch (where it says family read "mom's").
Someone is sick....TV, mom needs a shower....TV, mom needs to check email (facebook)....TV, it's 11am....TV. You get the picture.
SO, think of us, pray for us, that we make it through our summer "crutch" free! And that we discover the pure joy of Little House in the Big Woods, Redwall, Hardy Boys...you name it.
(P.S. if you are feeling really bad for me, just know that we have a DVD player in our car, and if worse comes to worst, we can have a "drive-in" day :))
The Daddy Daughter Dance (a.k.a. two little princesses go to the ball with their "Daddy Prince")
Baseball, schmaseball, Friday came and it was all about the dresses!

Two little girls were excited ALL day and the phrase Daddy Daughter Dance became almost one word as they said it over and over! Baths, nails, hair, (a smidge of lip gloss...

You must note...Big smile, but eyes full of tears...quite a little drama getting the hair all smooth, she is proud as proud, but it was sad as sad!

and BIG SIGH, the fancy dresses and they are ready to go!

A good time was had by ALL....
Two little girls were excited ALL day and the phrase Daddy Daughter Dance became almost one word as they said it over and over! Baths, nails, hair, (a smidge of lip gloss...
You must note...Big smile, but eyes full of tears...quite a little drama getting the hair all smooth, she is proud as proud, but it was sad as sad!
and BIG SIGH, the fancy dresses and they are ready to go!
A good time was had by ALL....
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Then there was THUNDER...
Not to be outdone, Jackson, our 6 year old, quickly became known as "slugger" on his 5 & 6 year old team...Thunder!
Sauntering up, receiving 1 or 2 "Coach Pitches" and this kid hit the ball EVERY time!
This is what we call "almost" Baseball Ready....to be fair the pace is slow...excruciatingly slow...so Jack's mind, legs...thoughts..tend to wander during fielding time!
The coveted trophy...the huge smile...the darling dimples...my boy.
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